
Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hazrat sultan bahoo

Hazrat Sultan Bahoo (Allah bless his soul) was born on Thursday, Feb. 1628 AD 1st Jamadi-us Sani 1102H in Shorkot. Hazrat Sultan Sahib's mother's name was Hazrat Bibi Rasti Allah bless her soul. She was a pious woman. Once she dreamed that she was told they have one son and that they should name him Bahoo. This child will be a very pious and great Sufi master. He will be a wali Allah (friend of Allah) by birth.Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA) was born in the village Shorkhote in Punjab in the year 1039 Hijri, during the reign of the great Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. As a child his Saintly qualities pale. He too, like Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (RA), refuses to drink milk from his mother Sehri to iftar (before sunrise to sunset). Despite showing inherent spiritual qualities his training responsibility fell in the lap of his pious, saintly mother, Ma Rasti (RA). In his youth and early days, she was responsible for both its internal and external training, colors his personality in the Prophetic light. In many of his writings, Sultan Bahu (RA.) refers to his holy mother, piety and spiritual station. In one of his Persian couplets, he refers to her devotion to truth as follows:
 Mai Rasti (RA) saw a vision she will soon be blessed with a child's spiritual qualities whose light of Faqr will benefit many a seeker to the end of time. She was assigned to the child `Ba Hu name - meaning -` With Allah '. This name, certainly suited this holy personality, for he was always drowned in the Love of God. Hazrat Sultan Bahu's (RA) name is incomparable and has no parallel. His name reflects his lofty spiritual station, pure qualities and attributes. We will be very short, try to explore and further explain the characteristics and quality of the holy name of Bahu. This would help the fallacy and misunderstanding regarding the disposition of the holy name of fire.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu's Family:
The Saint had four wives. The first wife was of the family of Hazrat Makhdoom Bahu (RA), which was one of the "caliphs of the great Sufi Hazrat Sheikh-ul Islam, Sheikh Muhammed Bahauddin Zakarya Multani (RA). His second and third wife of his own tribe and family. His fourth wife belonged to a Hindu family of Multan and was in `niaaz '(marriage) to the saint by Hazrat Sheikh Bahauddin Zakaria (RA). Sultan Bahoo (RA) had all the worldly pleasures in his early years away, but he was obliged to marry more than once, in honor of the "Sunnah" of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The permission for having more than one wife is not based on conditions of lust, nor an advantage that the married man, but on the principle of sacrifice. Consent shall be determined by those able to just go with his wives, even at the formal level is an extremely difficult condition to fulfill, except for those who are well disciplined, to spiritual and moral values ??and above all stick to the marriage perform for spiritual reasons - for the sake of obtaining Devine Pleasure. So in Islam the institution of marriage is a religious issue rather than a worldly matter only and is based on the principle of the interdependence of man and woman in ensuring the fullness of life for each other through mutual affection , mutual trust and mutual protection as husband and wife.

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